Saturday, July 23, 2011

Post its in my class

I use post its with my 2nd graders to use in their Just right reading books.  Each Monday they shop for new books from the class library.  anywhere from 6-10 books depending on their level.  During the week they put the Post its in their books where they need to remember a part to share, a part they had a question about, a part they made a prediction, a part they made a connection, etc.  On Fridays they transfer all the post its to a spiral notebook.  They write the name of the book and the date on the top of the page and then put the post its on the page.  At the end of the school year it was AWESOME for the kids to look back at their notes they had collected over the school year!!!

FUNNY-  near the end of the year we did a parent night and I was showing the parents the postit's and explaining how we used them.  One of the Mom's said now she understood why her daughter was constantly wanting her postits at home!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining the party! Love your ideas. Isn't it funny how much kids love post-its?!

